
The following options are provided to ensure the best individual experience.


Determines the framework your server is using. If your server is running a framework that isn't supported by default please go to the Bridge documentation and follow the instructions on how to add a new framework.

Config.Framework = "ESX"
  • Framework: string


As the script simulates a price change (like prices changes in real life) you can set the random interval in wich prices will change. The numbers you set are minutes (1 = 1 min). Every price change will be stored in a seperate file, wich is located at 'server/data/history.json'. This file is used by the script to display a graph wich visualize the price changes:


Config.PriceChangeInterval = {min = 1, max = 2}
  • PriceChangeInterval: table
    • min: number
    • max: number


This is config options allows you to create new marketplace locations.

  1. Some config options are optional and can be disabled by simply letting them out. Such options will be marked with '?'.
  2. You can add an infinte amount of marketplaces.
Config.Marketplace = {
        coords = vec4(-237.00, -256.41, 39.12, 0.71),
        items = {
                maker = "Pißwasser", 
                type = "consumable", 
                product = "Pils Beer", 
                item = "bread", 
                image = "pisswasser.jpg", 
                price = {
                    min = 1, 
                    max = 2
        blip = {
            id = 590,
            scale = 0.8,
            label = "Marketplace"
        ped = "s_m_y_waretech_01"
  • Marketplace: table

    • coords: vec4
    • items: table (Represents one row in the UI table)
      • maker: string
      • type: string
      • product: string
      • item: string
      • image: string (Images can be added in 'svelte/dist/imgs/')
      • price: table
        • min: number
        • max: number


    • blip?: table
      • id: number
      • scale: number
      • label: string
    • ped: string