
The Farming Script has been meticulously designed to provide developers with the flexibility to customize each component according to their preferences, without compromising the integrity of the script. We have implemented intelligent logic that seamlessly adapts to changes made to individual components during runtime, ensuring that the script remains functional even when certain components are modified or removed.

For instance, if you wish to establish a hidden and discreet illegal farming location without a visible blip on the map, you can easily achieve this by removing the blip component from the config table. By eliminating the blip, players will have a harder time locating the farming spot, enhancing the secrecy and challenge of the activity.

Please note that not every component can be removed. Components that can be removed will be marked with a '?' symbol following their name (e.g., Blip?).

Random Crafting Requirements Interval

Random amounts of crafting requirements will be updated after each interval.

Config.RandomCraftingInterval = 60
  • RandomCraftingInterval: number -> in minutes

Farming Positions

By adding a table with components inside Config.Farming, you can include a new farming location.

Config.Farming = {
        Blip = { 
            type = 1, 
            scale = 0.8, 
            color = -1, 
            label = 'Farming' 
        Zone = { 
            coords = vec3(2226.71, 5577.86, 53.71), 
            radius = 15 
        Item = { 
            label = 'Potato', 
            name = 'potato', 
            count = {min = 1, max = 3}, 
        CollectTime = 15, 
        Animation = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_PLANT' 
  • Blip?: table
    • Creates a blip on the map if added as a component.
    • type: number
    • scale: number,
    • color: number
    • label: string


Blip = {
    type = 1,
    scale = 0.8,
    color = -1, 
    label = 'Farming'
  • Zone: table
    • Defines the location and the radius in wich the player can start to farm.
    • coords: vec3
    • radius: number


Zone = {
    coords = vec3(2226.71, 5577.86, 53.71), 
    radius = 15 
  • Item: table
    • Defines the item wich will be farmed by the player.
    • label: string (the item label from your DB)
    • name: string (the item name from your DB)
    • count: table or number


Item = { 
    label = 'Potato', 
    name = 'potato', 
    count = {min = 1, max = 3}, --> random number in this range
  • CollectTime: number
  • Animation: string

Please be aware that you have the ability to add an unlimited number of farming positions. However, it's important to consider that having a large number of locations may impact performance.


In the following configuration, you can define new crafting locations.

Config.Process = {
        Blip = { 
            type = 792,  
            scale = 0.8, 
            color = -1,
            label = 'Potato salad (crafting)' 
        Coords = vec4(30.09, 6445.48, 31.43, 226.12),
        Ped = 's_m_m_migrant_01',
        ItemCrafting = {
                required = {
                    {label = 'Potato', name = 'potato', amount = 4}, 
                    {label = 'Egg', name = 'egg', amount = {min = 2, max = 6}}, 
                crafted = {
                    label = 'Potato Salad',
                    name = 'potato_salad',
                    amount = 1
                CraftingTime = 15
  • Blip?: table
    • Creates a blip on the map if added as a component.
    • type: number
    • scale: number,
    • color: number
    • label: string


Blip = {
    type = 1,
    scale = 0.8,
    color = -1, 
    label = 'Farming'
  • Coords: vec4

  • Ped: string

  • ItemCrafting: table

    • Contains all crafting components.
    • required: table
      • Contains a table of entries wich represents the items required to craft.
      • label: string
      • name: string
      • amount: number | table<min: number, max: number> -> choose if you want an predefined or randomised amount of required items.


    required = {
        {label = 'Potato', name = 'potato', amount = 4}, 
        {label = 'Egg', name = 'egg', amount = 2},
    • crafted: number
      • Contains the item information that will be crafted.
      • label: string
      • name: string
      • amount: number


    crafted = {
        label = 'Potato Salad',
        name = 'potato_salad',
        amount = 1
    • CraftingTime: number

Please be aware that you have the ability to add an unlimited number of crafting positions. However, it's important to consider that having a large number of locations may impact performance.


In the given configuration, you can define new locations where you can sell items.

Config.SellPoints = {
        Blip = { 
            type = 792,  
            scale = 0.8, 
            color = -1,
            label = 'Potato Salad seller' 
        Coords = vec4(1218.78, 1848.65, 78.97, 223.92),
        Ped = 's_m_y_waretech_01', 
        Items = {
            {label = 'Potato Salad', name = 'potato_salad', reward = 1000, black = false}, 
  • Blip?: table
    • Creates a blip on the map if added as a component.
    • type: number
    • scale: number,
    • color: number
    • label: string


Blip = {
    type = 1,
    scale = 0.8,
    color = -1, 
    label = 'Potato Salad seller'
  • Coords: vec4
  • Ped: string
  • Items: table
    • Defines the items the player can sell.
    • label: string
    • name: string
    • reward: number
    • black: boolean

Please be aware that you have the ability to add an unlimited number of crafting positions. However, it's important to consider that having a large number of locations may impact performance.


The following config enables you to add specific shops if you need them but we don't recomend them to be used as your main shops!


Please DO NOT use these shops as your primary shops!

Config.Shops = {
        Blip = {
            type = 1, 
            scale = 0.8, 
            color = -1,
            label = 'Apotheke'
        Coords = vec4(68.95, -1570.01, 29.60, 50.0),
        Ped = 's_m_m_doctor_01',
        Items = {
            {label = 'Egg', name = 'egg', price = 14, count = 1},
  • Blip?: table
    • Creates a blip on the map if added as a component.
    • type: number
    • scale: number,
    • color: number
    • label: string


Blip = {
    type = 1,
    scale = 0.8,
    color = -1, 
    label = 'Potato Salad seller'
  • Coords: vec4
  • Ped: string
  • Items: table
    • Defines the items the player can sell.
    • label: string
    • name: string
    • price: number
    • count: number (the amount of items given per purchase)

Please be aware that you have the ability to add an unlimited number of crafting positions. However, it's important to consider that having a large number of locations may impact performance.

Text (Locales)

Locales enables you to translate display-texts in your native language.

Config.Text = {
    ['start_farming'] = 'Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um ~y~%s~s~ zu sammeln.',
    ['open_craft_menu'] = 'Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um die Verarbeitungsstelle zu verwalten.',
    ['open_sell_menu'] = 'Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um die Verkaufsstelle zu verwalten.',
    ['open_shop_menu'] = 'Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um den Shop zu verwalten.',
    ['error'] = '~r~Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!',
    ['weight_limit_exceeded'] = '~r~Du hast nicht mehr die nötigen Kapazitäten um diese Items aufzunehmen!', 
    ['farming_succeded'] = 'Du hast erfolgreich ~y~%sx %s~s~ gesammelt!',
    ['craft_in_progress'] = '~r~Du bist bereits dabei etwas zu verarbeiten!',
    ['not_enougth_items'] = '~r~Du hast nicht die nötigen Items um zu verarbeiten!',
    ['started_crafting'] = 'Du hast mit der Herstellung von ~y~%s~s~ begonnen...',
    ['crafting_succeeded'] = 'Du hast erfolgreich ~y~%sx %s~s~ hergestellt.',
    ['items_needed'] = "Benötigte Items:",
    ['already_crafting'] = "Du bist bereits dabei etwas zu verarbeiten!",
    ['amount'] = 'Menge',
    ['price'] = 'Preis',
    ['purchase_suceeded'] = 'Kauf wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen!',
    ['not_enougth_money'] = '~r~Du hast nicht genügend Geld!',
    ['wrong_amount'] = '~r~Gebe bitte ein vernünftige Zahl ein!',
    ['not_enougth_items_to_sell'] = '~r~Du besitzt nicht die Summe an Items, die du verkaufen möchtest!',
    ['sell_succeeded'] = 'Du hast ~y~%sx %s~s~ für ~g~$%s~s~ verkauft!',
    ['processing'] = 'Verarbeitung läuft...',
    ['menu_worker_title'] = 'Verarbeitung',
    ['menu_worker_subtitle'] = '~b~Verarbeite deine Produkte :D',
    ['menu_sell_title'] = 'Verkauf',
    ['menu_sell_subtitle'] = '~b~Verkaufe deine Produkte :D',
    ['menu_shop_title'] = 'Shop',
    ['menu_shop_subtitle'] = '~b~Kaufe deine Produkte :D'
  • translation: string

Do NOT change the key (for example ['start_farming']) or your translations will not work!

Custom Visuals

This configurations will override some visual components to match your server's UI.


Do NOT use this config if you don't know what you're doing! We will not support you if you're messing with these configurations!

Cofnig.CustomVisual = {
    Enabled = false, 
    ShowHelp = function(text, bleep)
        ---@add: custom show help functionality
    Notify = function(text)
        ---@add: custom notify 
  • Enabled: boolean
  • ShowHelp: function
    • Overrides the scripts ShowHelp function. Please keep in mind that this function is called every frame!
    • text: string (the text wich will be displayed)
    • bleep: boolean (if a sound should be played)
  • Notify: function
    • Overrides the scrtips Notify function.
    • text: string (the text wich will be displayed)

If the config is enabled both functions will be overwritten!