
To ensure that every of your needs are met, make sure to change the options down below to your liking.


Determines if the player needs a job to work with GoPostal.

Config.NeedJob = true
  • NeedJob: boolean

Job Name

Set the job stored in your Database you want to use. The default value is 'gopostal', wich is the job provided with the script.

Config.JobName = "gopostal"
  • JobName: string


Sets a Blip at specified position to inform the player about the locations of GoPostal depots.

Config.Blip = {
    id = 793,
    scale = 0.8,
    colour = -1,
  • Blip: table
    • id: number
    • scale: float
    • colour: number

Random Routes

Enabled rantomization of the list of stops in a given route.

Config.RandomizeRoutes = true
  • RandomizeRoutes: boolean


Defines the position where players can start new routes.

Config.Start = {
    {route = "Mirror Park", coords = vec4(63.41, 124.20, 79.17, 150.00), transporter_model = "boxville2", desc = "Mirror Park"},
  • Start: table
    • route: string
    • coords: vec4
    • transporter_model: string
    • desc: string


Determines the position at wich the routes ends.


This Config is binded to a route in Config.Start! Please make sure that the key is matching one of the values in Config.Start

Config.Depot = {
    ["Mirror Park"] = vec3(50.95, 118.90, 79.33), 
  • Depot: table
    • key (route): vec3


Sets the amount of money given to the player at the end of a route.


This Config is binded to a route in Config.Start! Please make sure that the key is matching one of the values in Config.Start

Config.Salary = {
    ["Mirror Park"] = 850,
  • Salary: table
    • key (route): number


A lists of stops the player has to drive.


This Config is binded to a route in Config.Start! Please make sure that the key is matching one of the values in Config.Start

Config.Routes = {
    ["Mirror Park"] = {
        {coords = vec3(1072.09, -390.26, 67.13), door = vec3(1063.19, -381.14, 67.85)},
        {coords = vec3(1020.88, -433.76, 64.71), door = vec3(1012.71, -424.32, 64.95)},
        {coords = vec3(930.71, -494.20, 59.39), door = vec3(922.15, -479.17, 61.08)},
        {coords = vec3(875.60, -573.83, 57.02), door = vec3(861.76, -582.80, 58.16)},
        {coords = vec3(978.83, -562.45, 58.92), door = vec3(975.79, -579.22, 59.64)},
        {coords = vec3(1183.11, -556.69, 64.19), door = vec3(1203.80, -557.95, 69.40)},
        {coords = vec3(1328.81, -565.69, 72.87), door = vec3(1324.06, -581.94, 73.25)},
  • Routes: table
    • key (ruote): table

      • coords: vec3
      • door: vec3


          coords = vec3(00.00, 00.00, 00.00),
          door = vec3(00.00, 00.00, 00.00),


If enabled the player will wear a uniform during the duty time.

Config.Uniform = {
    enabled = true,
    male = {
        arms = 11,
        pants_1 = 13,
        pants_2 = 0,
        shoes_1 = 51,
        shoes_2 = 0,
        tshirt_1 = 15,
        tshirt_2 = 0,
        bproof_1 = 0,
        torso_1 = 213,
        torso_2 = 8,
    female = {
  • Uniform: table
    • enabled: boolean
    • male: table (ESX properties)
    • female: table (ESX properties)


Basic Translation.

Config.Text = {
    ['press_button'] = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um",
    ['go_off_duty'] = "den Dienst zu quitieren.",
    ['go_on_duty'] = "in den Dienst zu gehen.",
    ['start_route'] = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um die Route ~y~%s~s~ zu starten.",
    ['route_started'] = "Route begonnen", 
    ['route_started_description'] = "~y~Fahre zu den Zielorten und Liefere die Pakete ab!",
    ['route_failed'] = "Du bist nicht mit deinem Dienstfahrzeug zurückgefahren. Du bekommst also ~r~keinen Lohn~s~.",
    ['route_complete'] = "~g~Fahrt beendet!",
    ['route_complete_description'] = "Du hast die Fahrt erfolgreich abgeschlossen!",
    ['target'] = "Zielort",
    ['delvier_package'] = "Steige aus dem Wagen aus, und bringe das Paket zum ~y~Zielort.",
    ['press_button_to_deliver'] = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um das Packet abzuliefern.",
    ['end_route'] = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um die Route zu beenden!",
    ['stop_count'] = "Abgelieferte Pakete: ~b~%s/%s",
    ['package_health'] = "Zustand der Pakete:",
    ['route_failed_banner'] = "Fahrt fehlgeschlagen",
    ['route_failed_banner_desc'] = "~r~Du hast dein Dienstfahrzeug zerstört!",
    ['go_back_in_transporter'] = "Steige wieder in den ~y~Transporter~s~ ein!"