Server Functions


Please be aware that frameworkName is a placeholder for the actual framework name. Replace it with the actual framework name. (for example: ESX:CanCarryItem())


Returns true if the player can carry the item, false otherwise.

frameworkName:CanCarryItem(source, item, count)
  • source: number
  • item: string
  • count: number


Creates a custom drop for the player.

frameworkName:CustomDrop(source, item, count)
  • source: number
  • item: string
  • count: number


Adds an item to the player's inventory.

frameworkName:AddItem(source, item, count)
  • source: number
  • item: string
  • count: number


Registers a usable item.

frameworkName:RegisterUsableItem(item, action)
  • item: string
  • action: function


Removes an item from the player's inventory.

frameworkName:RemoveItem(source, item, count)
  • source: number
  • item: string