
To provide the best experience with the Flares script we've made shure you can adjust the script to your needs.

Flare Speed:

This changes the speed of the projectile.

Config.Speed =  -1
  • Speed: number

Flare Interval:

The interval of each projectile determined in ms.

Config.FlareInterval = 500
  • FlareInterval: number

Flare Model Whitelist:

A list of vehicles that can use flares.

Config.Flare_models = {
    [GetHashKey("lazer")] = {limit = 50, mode = 1},
    [GetHashKey("bombushka")] = {limit = 150, mode = 10},
  • flares_models: table

    • vehicle Hashkey (key): table
      • limit: number (the total amount of flares)
      • mode: number (the amount projectile shot per trigger)


    [GetHashKey("bombushka")] = {limit = 150, mode = 10}