Jetsam Job
2 Config



Set the framework to use.

Config.Framework = "ESX"
  • Framework: string


Enable or disable the job requirement.

Config.Job = false
  • Job: boolean


Defines the uniforms for male and female workers.

Config.Uniform = {
    male = {},
    female = {}
  • Uniform: table

Start Locations

Defines the start locations for the job.

Config.StartLocations = {
    ['docs-A'] = vec4(813.58, -2982.70, 6.02, 267.61),
  • [key: string]: vec4

Garage Locations

Defines the garage locations and spawn points.

Config.GarageLocations = {
    ['docs-A'] = {
        coords = vec4(805.35, -2949.70, 6.02, 7.41),
        spawn = vec4(799.57, -2942.66, 5.91, 262.37)
  • [key: string]: table
    • coords: vec4
    • spawn: vec4


Defines the available job vehicles and their level requirements.

Config.Vehicles = {
    {model = 'forklift', label = 'Forklift', level = 15},
    {model = 'bison', label = 'Bison', level = 0},
  • model: string
  • label: string
  • level: number

Required Levels

Specifies the level requirements for different tasks.

Config.RequiredLevels = {
    Forklift = 15,
    Maintenance = 5,
    Inventory = 0
  • [key: string]: number


Defines the callout locations and objectives for different jobs.

Config.Callouts = {
    Forklift = {
            pickups = {
                {coords = vec4(834.67, -2928.56, 5.90, 85.96), model = 'prop_boxpile_07d'},
                {coords = vec4(1167.02, -2973.48, 5.90, 276.29), model = 'prop_boxpile_07d'},
            deliver = vec3(1000.86, -2903.29, 5.90)
    Maintenance = {
            locations = {
               vec4(823.80, -2993.90, 6.02, 90.47),
               vec4(845.12, -3024.11, 5.74, 165.37)
  • [key: string]: table
    • pickups: table
      • coords: vec4
      • model: string
    • deliver: vec3
    • locations: vec4[]


Stores text translations for UI messages.

Config.Translation = {
    ['garage'] = "Garage",
    ['required_level'] = "Required Level: %s",
    ['job_menu'] = "Job Menu",
    ['callout_completed'] = "You have completed the callout",
  • [key: string]: string